This Thanksgiving, I'm focusing on gratefulness. I'm grateful for you! It's exciting to see how far the store has come and dream about what it will be! This all made possible by YOU and your commitment to buying yarn and supplies through my little shop (when there is a world of possibilities out there), taking classes (even though sometimes you don't really need them), and hanging out with me at the big table! My cup overflows! So, THANK YOU!

We will close on Thanksgiving so we can all be with family and friends. I consider you family so come in on Friday and look for sales as a sign of my appreciation. Hint, hint: if you've been thinking about getting a Stanwood Ball Winder, Friday will be the day to do it!

Remember, we always offer Beginner's Knitting, Beginner's Crochet, Learn to Needle Felt, and Learn to make a Macrame Plant Holder class. Be on the lookout for December's workshop list coming out soon!